Monday, January 5, 2009

Vic Racine's Magical Mismatched Socks

"I just respect him, you know? He's... He's smart. He's like... He's an adult I can look up to... finally."
-Angela Chase, explaining to her parents (both adults) the appeal of Vic Racine, substitute teacher.

"He did teach! He was the best teacher I ever had."
-Jordan Catalano, defending Vic Racine, substitute teacher, against Brian Krakow's slanderous remarks.

As promised, I'm going to attempt here and there this semester to offer up possible blog topics, should you feel lost and forsaken in the wide open internet. Here's today's: Write about a teacher or other adult in your life who you've felt you could look up to. Following Angela's lead, you may want to steer clear of parents or other relatives.

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Vic Racine reminded me of my fourth grade teacher. I didn't know English and everything was so new to me. Every day my heart was filled with tears and I felt like I was completely lost. One day she told me to stay after school and began to tutor me in English. She yelled at me when I felt like giving up but it was screams of motivation. The moment when Vic yelled at Jordan Catalano, I was reminded of the time when I just didn't want to try and the teacher told me, "you have so much desire in you and it's best that you just try."