Friday, September 26, 2008

Going the Distance

If I could figure out how to comment on Marissa's blog, I'd tell her she writes some of the most lovely run-on sentences I've ever encountered.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but I think run-on sentences are just more fun to read. They somehow manage to keep up with my polluted train of thought.

I don't know how to comment on my blog either because I keep changing my template to mess with Alyssa's head. Sadly, editing html takes me forever.

Thompson said...

No sarcasm- or at least, a minimum of it; the sincerity outweighs it. Your writing actually reminds me of one of my favorite authors, Jack Kerouac, who (legend has it) typed the first draft of his novel On the Road as a single paragraph on taped-together rolls of butcher paper he'd run through his typewriter.

I don't have a lot of advice on the html editing- I only know the bare bones myself- but I do wish your classmates and I could let you know our thoughts now and then. Keep trying.

Kevin Phan said...

I Lol'ed

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jack Kerouac sounds familiar. I think my sister was a fan of his work too.
Anyway, I fixed it! Yay! (Well I can't say that I actually fixed it. It was mostly Garrett because the obscure knowledge I have about html comes from my 6th grade computer class - which I slept through everyday.)

I lol at Kevin's lol.

Lorita said...

Oh, I have heard of Jack Kerouac. I think he was the author of Big Sur too. His famous quote of "no time for poetry but exactly what is" has been tattooed in my brain. Oh, yeah, Marissa's blog is one that I wish I could make but I really have no clue on how to personalize my page.

Kevin Phan said...

excuse Mr gundersonballernemo

I think you misspelled "reatarded"
it should be "Funny"

Your Sir have achieved "Grammar Fail"

Good Day Sir